Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Trump's a flip-flopper but not a hypocrite

How is it that Donald Trump can seemingly get away with so much flip-flopping and lack of political consistency?

The answer is deceptively simple: Trump has never pretended to be anything other than a narcissistic egomaniac, anyway. In other words, even with all the flip-flopping, he's not a hypocrite - he's just being The Donald. The same standards and expectations that apply to any normal politician simply don't to someone whose whole life has been a reality TV show of private profiteering to start with.

So where, for instance, orthodox conservatives consider Trump's donations to the Clintons during his long years as a New York Democrat as anathema, his fans muse that he's carried Bill and Hillary around like pocket change.

In the end, Americans want genuineness in their candidates, even if it's a genuine lefty-loony like Sanders or a genuine confidence artist like Trump. What more and more of us can't stand is the mask of altruism of the ruling-class left and the mask of ideological and moral purity of the conservative right.

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