Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Stunning addendum to the "1990 prophecy" describes the post-truth era

[Note: I originally wrote this blog post a year ago, March 23, 2017 - but the intervening 12 months have confirmed to me in a deeper way its fundamental truth.]

There has just emerged, on the recently passed Feast of St. Joseph (March 19), a stunning addendum to the so-called "1990 prophecy", apparently given to the same anonymous mystic and locutionist who received that revelation of a generation ago:
"A new and great evil has now come and settled and will be there for the duration. It was a choice by man, including My people, who find deception in rancor and rancor where was ordained love. Not for years will an interior light return for those whose god is gold and whose love is cold. Not since times in history deep ago have My children so been skewed in what they perceive with eyes that distort and minds that form reality in a way that has no true destiny. Flee to Saint Joseph, and the Blessed Mother of the holm oak who tells us that brightness can be found only by those who practice the diligence of prayer amid consternation. Those who framed the future in accordance with their own time tables now find disbelief in prophecies though they unfold around you." 
-From Anonymous, March 19, 2017
The accompanying note on the Spirit Daily webpage concludes with an admonition that this has been disclosed strictly "for your personal discernment." So let me take a stab at it here on this blog (I would've shared this on Facebook but judged it was too sensitive and too long to do it there anyway.)
It was a choice by man, including My people, who find deception in rancor and rancor where was ordained love.
The fundamental underlying aspect of our fake news-driven, post-truth era - the bedrock upon which the entire tangled web of confused bits of nonstop information and data is built - is a deeply corrupted interior condition of the human heart on a widespread societal level.

Because man - even Christian man - no longer truly believes that his own sin is the cause of his unhappiness, but rather the sin of others, the world at large has become a free-for-all of exchanging every manner of insults, threats, and general irreverence towards one's fellow man.

Hence, we have the interesting paradoxical phenomenon of professed believers finding enemies of their faith in every nook and cranny of an admittedly hyper-secularized world out to destroy it, yet increasingly completely blind to the evil that resides much closer to home: indeed, within their very homes. The contemporary Christian has collectively fallen into a dangerous trap: focusing so much of his spiritual attention and strength in an existential battle against external foes, he not only loses sight of the commandment to love the enemy instead of hate him, but becomes woefully unprepared for the snares that the Devil lays for him in his own family, among his own loved ones.